Turnkey Execution

Ansaldo, Italy
Owner: Neyveli LigniteCorpn. Ltd., Tamil Nadu
Contract Value:
INR 760 Million
[DCPL Portion]
Balance of Plant (BOP) for 2x210 MW Project in Tamil Nadu, India
Detailed engineering and Supply of various items for Turbine Island covering Civil/Structural, Archi-tectural Mechanical, Electrical and C&I
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.[BHEL], Hardwar
Owner: National Thermal Power Corpn. [NTPC]
Contract Value:
INR 102.5 Million
Fuel Oil Storage, Handling & Transfer system for 430 MW Combined Cycle Power Project at Faridabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Turnkey supply and engineering services

For detailed comprehensive list, please write to us at dcl@dclgroup.com.